Your help for

Message from the team (May 12, 2013)

Dear brothers and sisters,

shrimataji_org01Late last year we re-launched the website with a sincere desire that it may become a useful source of credible information about the life, work and message of Shri Mataji. Specifically the website wishes to reach people who may not be Sahaja Yogis, and raise the profile of our Mother in the eyes of the general public in countries around the world.

With thanks to yogis everywhere the website can be found today at the top of search results in google for keyword phrases such as Shri Mataji, Shri Mataji videos, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Mataji. We feel that it is essential that websites about Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji occupy the top positions on the first few pages of search results rather than non-sahaj sites or anti-sahaj websites. While the situation is improving, there is still work to be done, and with your help the progress can be faster. We would also like to improve exposure for websites like this one so that when people search for other phrases including thoughtless awareness or kundalini awakening they will also arrive on the best Sahaja Yoga website.

If you manage a website, blog, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook you can:

Help the website to rank at the top for the phrase ‘Nirmala Srivastava’ which in search results today unfortunately includes non-sahaj websites. This is a top priority for us. To do this you can write a short article or post about Shri Mataji’s life, or Her work in a way that any seeker or person from outside can connect with. In the writing please include a small reference that Shri Mataji was also known as Nirmala Srivastava. Then add a link behind the text ‘Nirmala Srivastava’ to the following web page at:

You can also add linking text and link to the following pages:

If you use social media we need help from everyone via Google+, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:

Please click the Google +1 button, the Facebook ‘like’ button, or Tweet about the page. Here are some good pages to start with that can raise the awareness and seeking desire in the general public:

On YouTube please visit the channel linked below, to enjoy short video extracts and then click the thumbs up button to like the video. You can also subscribe to the channel to receive updates when new videos are published. The YouTube Channel address is:

We sincerely desire that this website may grow and evolve along a balanced path and that it may establish itself as a positive and pure instrument of love.

If you have any questions at all, you can contact the website team here:

Guidance in talking about Sahaja Yoga or Shri Mataji

For additional information and guidance that can help in talking about Sahaja Yoga or Shri Mataji online there is a guide that was previously published on SWAN and can be read here:

Jai Shri Mataji

Your brothers and sisters working on

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